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Gas sterilisation of feed considered as alternative to heat treatment

A group of scientists from Siberia claimed it had developed a cost-effective technology for the sterilisation of feed with a gas mixture.

Nutrinfo, Pig

Welfare issues resulting from feed restriction in pregnant sows

According to Council Directive 98/58/EC (1998) animals must be fed a diet that is appropriate to fulfil their physiological needs.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Blood biomarkers could drive broiler nutrition decisions

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning could analyze poultry blood biomarkers to detect potential performance and health challenges, leading to more proactive, data-driven decisions about bird nutrition.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Challenges of using RNA vaccines in poultry

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) vaccines could provide a breakthrough in vaccine technology and offer a rapid response to pathogens in the poultry industry.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Turns out that “liquid gold” may not be gold

Colostrum has earned the unofficial moniker “liquid gold,” because of its typically golden color, along with the golden benefits it confers for calf health, growth, and lifetime performance.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Cost increases and investment: the Polish dairy sector

Although the Polish dairy sector’s financial performance remains under pressure, companies are showing willingness to invest in their operations, a report from the Polish Chamber of Milk indicated.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

New phytogens validated as safe for gut health of layers and pullets

Feeding saponins and polyphenols made from plant products, also known as phytogenics, to pullets and layer hens has no negative effect on performance or egg quality, revealed a validation study conducted at North Carolina State University (NCSU).
Nutrinfo, Poultry

3 days longer incubation makes a big difference

With SetCare, the new setter developed by HatchTech Incubation Technology, eggs are incubated for 24 days instead of the traditional 21 days.

Animal feed sales down in Germany

At 21.7 million tonnes, feed production in Germany in the 2023 calendar year was around 360,000 tonnes or 1.6% less than in the previous 12 months.

Global atlas of edible insects is available

East African scientists have produced a global atlas of edible insects, providing analysis of diversity and commonality that can contribute to food systems and sustainability as the planet faces uncertainties caused by population growth and a surge in demand for nutritious food.

Seed shortage threatens Russian grain farmers with bankruptcy

A surge in operation costs could drive many Russian grain farmers into bankruptcy in the current season, Arkady Zlochevsky, president of the Russian Grain Union has said during a press conference in Moscow.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Supporting coccidiosis-challenged broiler chickens through nutrition

When broiler chickens are busy fighting the parasitic infection coccidiosis, they can’t absorb nutrients efficiently or put energy toward growth.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Russia launches Meat Shuttle targeting Southeast Asia

The Russian government and logistics firm FESCO have launched a ‘Meat Shuttle’. This is a railway service for the delivery of perishable products in refrigerated containers from Russia to China and countries of Southeast Asia.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

How will Generation Z expectations transform the poultry meat market?

Chicken marketers need to start planning how to future-proof communications with the unique consumer expectations and needs of Generation Z.

Plasma treatment reduces mycotoxins in grains

Treating wheat and barley grains with atmospheric cold plasma has been found to reduce mycotoxin levels and boost seed germination.

What role will circularity play in the future of feed production?

Panelists at the 2024 Feed Mill of the Future Conference covered topics including technologies and techniques that can improve feed production’s efficiency and bottom line.

Study on the rapid decline in groundwater levels

Groundwater levels across the world have shown widespread and “accelerated” decline over the past 40 years, driven by unsustainable irrigation practices as well as climate change, according to a study published at the end of January.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

The situation of the global synthetic milk market

Food-tech start-ups are using precision fermentation technologies for another alternative to cow’s milk. This segment’s future remains vague as conservative consumers are not likely to quickly embrace synthetic products.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Meat production in Germany falls significantly again

As the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports, according to preliminary results, commercial slaughterhouses produced 6.8 million tons of meat in 2023.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Dairy development plans in Kazakhstan: ambitious or unrealistic?

Kazakhstan has rolled out plans to boost the dairy herd by 100,000 and milk production by 725,000 tonnes in the next 4 years.