Meat production in Germany falls significantly again

As the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports, according to preliminary results, commercial slaughterhouses produced 6.8 million tons of meat in 2023. That was 4.0% or 280,200 tons less than in the previous year. This means that domestic meat production has fallen for the seventh year in a row since its peak in 2016 (8.25 million tonnes). After comparatively slight declines from 2017, meat production fell by 8.1% in 2022 compared to the previous year, and now meat production fell again significantly in 2023. A total of 47.9 million pigs, cattle, sheep, goats and horses as well as 702.2 million chickens, turkeys and ducks were slaughtered in slaughterhouses in 2023.
With 43.8 million animals slaughtered in 2023, the number of pigs slaughtered fell by 7.0% or 3.3 million compared to the previous year. The number of pigs of domestic origin slaughtered fell by 7.7% to almost 42.3 million animals. The number of imported pigs slaughtered in German slaughterhouses, however, rose by 19.5% to 1.5 million animals. In total, slaughterhouses produced around 4.2 million tons of pork in 2023. That was 6.8% or 306,500 tons less than in 2022. Compared to the record year of 2016, around 1.4 million tonnes less pork were produced in 2023, which corresponds to a decline of over a quarter (-25.1%).