New lifetime production record in the USA

A Holstein cow at the ripe old age of 14 has set a new lifetime production record in the USA. Owned and bred by the Dankert family at Nor-Bert Farm in Bremen, Indiana, the cow named Nor-Bert Colby Connie has pumped a record 486,300 pounds (over 22 tonnes) of milk. And she is still producing, as Connie has just calved again and is increasing her production every day. Connie has equally impressive results for her milk quality components with a lifetime record of 12,275kg of fat and 8,045kg of protein in her last completed lactation. These massive fat and protein totals are currently the highest lifetime fat and protein totals in the Holstein Association USA database. This new production record comes in quick succession to that set by another US cow, Chrome-View Charles 3044, who set the record earlier this year with a total of 217 tonnes of lifetime milk. These lifetime production records have highlighted the scope of what Holstein cows can achieve.