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Cattle, Nutrinfo

Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Germany

The Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak in Germany is still confined to just one case.

Cattle, Nutrinfo

Low-cost treatment for cow uterine infections

A sugar solution already used in some medical applications could reduce the use — and cost — of antibiotics when treating a common uterine infection in dairy cows, according to new research from The Pennsylvania State University.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Pig research paves way for human respiratory vaccine development

A study in pigs, which shows that inhaled vaccines could potentially reduce viral transmission and improve efficiency, is an important step toward advancing vaccines for human use.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Brazil sees opportunities to increase pork trade in 2025

In 2024, Brazil broke its previous records for the volume of its pig meat exports, and the revenue generated from this trade.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Welfare, smart farming and artificial intelligence in the poultry sector

British biologist and professor of ethology at the University of Oxford, Marian Dawkins, said for technology to deliver on its promise of being able to improve the lives of animals, 3 conditions needed to be met.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Egg shortages and high egg prices continue in the US

Egg prices across the US remain very high. The situation is not expected to change much as 2025 progresses.

German feed producers face many challenges

The German production of animal feed showed a modest growth in 2024, after 2 years of decline.

Green light for plant gene-editing in the UK

Defra Secretary of State Steve Reed has given the green light for the government to progress legislation to allow crops that have been developed through precision breeding or gene editing to be grown in England.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

A race for methane emission reducing vaccines

Some researchers are focusing on the development of vaccines to reduce methane emissions from cows.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Pioneering project: producing feed from greenhouse gases

Two micro-organisms – a bacterium and an algae – can be used together to convert carbon dioxide and methane into a protein-rich biomass.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Ukrainian egg market hit with oversupply

Following nearly 2 years of shortage, the Ukrainian egg market has started experiencing oversupply, Yevhen Khailov, sales director of Incuba, a local egg manufacturer, revealed.

Non-GMO supply chain unites against NGT deregulation

Operators across Europe’s non-GMO supply chain are uniting against proposed deregulation of new genomic techniques (NGTs), with a strong call for choice and transparency emerging from the recent non-GMO Summit in Frankfurt. Organized by key industry groups—Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik (VLOG), ARGE Gentechnik-frei, Donau Soja, European Non-GMO Industry Association (ENGA), and ProTerra Foundation—the event​​ drew attention to the need for consistent non-GMO standards as regulatory pressures mount.

Alexander Hissting, managing director of VLOG, emphasized the enduring strength of Europe’s non-GMO market, affirming that the sector “is here to stay.” He is closely watching the debate on deregulation of NGTs​​, which could influence the non-GMO market. However, this discussion hasn’t yet reached the everyday operations of food producers or retailers, he claimed. While some have been informed and even signed letters regarding possible deregulation, they feel there’s no need for immediate action until concrete regulations are in place, he noted. 

Hissting also noted that the topic has minimal media coverage and limited public awareness; most consumers likely haven’t heard about NGTs and, therefore, have not altered their purchasing habits.

He expressed concern about the future impact on non-GMO labeling standards if deregulation allows NGT crops to enter the European market without labeling. This scenario, he told us, would add complexity to maintaining non-GMO quality assurances. He emphasized that detection tools are crucial for tracking NGTs in the food chain, highlighting the importance of having affordable and practical options available.

Additionally, ENGA wants a clear liability framework based on the “polluter pays” principle, ensuring that any contamination of non-GMO products is addressed financially by those responsible.

Furthermore, the organization supports an opt-out mechanism allowing individual EU countries to restrict NGTs within their borders. Although this proposal has not yet been included in EU policy discussions, said Heike Moldenhauer, secretary general of ENGA.


Iranian company to produce single-cell proteins from methanol and petroleum compuonds

Iranian company Kimia Life has developed a technology for manufacturing single-cell protein from petroleum raw materials.

BRICS to establish an alternative grain exchange

BRICS members welcomed the proposal of establishing an inter-organisation grain exchange, according to a declaration passed following a three-day bloc summit in Kazan, Russia.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Philippines introduces ASF vaccination to commercial farms

In the Philippines, the Department of Agriculture (DA) has announced it is expanding the government-controlled African swine fever (ASF) vaccine rollout nationwide.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Treatment for dangerous turkey disease sought in the U.S.

Understanding how histomonosis spreads through flocks could lead to better preventative measures for the deadly turkey disease.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Poultry manure to energy source

portunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide eco-energy and provide income for producers were highlighted at this year’s International Egg Commission (IEC) annual conference.
Nutrinfo, Pig

“We need to be prepared”: test developed for Japanese encephalitis virus

When porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) struck U.S. pig herds in 2013, the Iowa State University (ISU) Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (VDL) – which carries the nation’s largest swine caseload – scrambled to design a high-capacity test to keep up with the outbreak.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Type and source of fibre can affect emission from pigs

Because individual pigs produce less methane than cattle, emissions from swine haven’t received as much attention in the scientific literature, according to Elvira Sattorova, a postdoctoral researcher at Aarhus University.

India considers ban on important antibiotics used in animal production

Production, import and distribution of two types of antibiotics may be subject to a future ban for use in India’s farm animals, reports Economic Times.

Irish university project to reduce greenhouse gases launches with major funding

The University of Galway has received EUR 1.4 million to lead a research consortium to pioneer greenhouse gas reduction solutions for agriculture.
Nutrinfo, Pig

China picks 3 large EU pork processors for dumping investigation

China will examine 3 large European pork processors in the context of the recently announced investigation into alleged “dumping practices of pig products” on the Chinese market.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Grape pomace can reduce dairy cattle methane emissions

Researchers at University of California, Davis, added fresh grape pomace left over from winemaking operations to alfalfa-based feed for dairy cows and found that methane emissions were reduced by 10% to 11%.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

World’s first carbon tax on Danish farmers

After 5 months of intense negotiations the Danish government is introducing an agricultural carbon tax payable by farmers, the first of its kind worldwide.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Affects of dietary crude protein and lysine levels in slow-growing birds

Nutritional factors are critical to bird performance and meat quality. Chinese researchers have found that high lysine levels in a low crude protein diet can improve meat tenderness by regulating the myofiber characteristic without affecting production performance in poultry.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Many would like to use egg vending machines

The Eggspress vending machine popular in Ireland recently went viral with over eight million views on social media platform TikTok when one user videoed and posted his experience.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Study confirms mammal-to-mammal H5N1 spread

A new Cornell University study provides evidence that a spillover of avian influenza from birds to dairy cattle across several US states has now led to mammal-to-mammal transmission.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Dairy industry’s profitability is on the edge in Poland

Over the past 2 years, Polish dairy industry groups have been repeatedly complaining about the tough financial conditions with ups and downs in business marginality.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Industrial fans may be a possible factor in human H5N1 cases

The heavy breezes produced by fans could have helped circulate the virus while also making it more difficult for workers to keep PPE in place.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

mRNA-based avian influenza vaccine for humans launched by Moderna

The biotech company plans to use COVID vaccine technology to develop a potential treatment for future pandemics. Moderna hopes to leverage the same technology behind COVID-19 vaccines to create a vaccine that targets avian influenza in people.

Russia provides state aid for feed additives

State Duma, the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament, has passed in the first reading a bill making the production of feed additives, enzymes and veterinary pharmaceuticals eligible for broad state aid.

Europe is at odds on insects consumption – not so Singapore

Consumption of insects continues to pose a dilemma across the globe with EU ministers recently criticising Hungary, which currently holds the EU presidency, on its perceived opposition on novel foods.

Single-cell protein cultured from soybean process water looks promising

Aquaculture researchers in Singapore say soybean process water could prove adequate as a substrate for raising single-cell organisms intended for in animal feed.

Animal feed sales down in Germany

At 21.7 million tonnes, feed production in Germany in the 2023 calendar year was around 360,000 tonnes or 1.6% less than in the previous 12 months.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Russia seems to be over the poultry crisis

Russian authorities have managed to bring the domestic poultry and egg market back in balance using the carrot of generous state support measures and a stick of antimonopoly investigations, according to officials.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Welfare issues resulting from feed restriction in pregnant sows

According to Council Directive 98/58/EC (1998) animals must be fed a diet that is appropriate to fulfil their physiological needs.

Gas sterilisation of feed considered as alternative to heat treatment

A group of scientists from Siberia claimed it had developed a cost-effective technology for the sterilisation of feed with a gas mixture.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Blood biomarkers could drive broiler nutrition decisions

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning could analyze poultry blood biomarkers to detect potential performance and health challenges, leading to more proactive, data-driven decisions about bird nutrition.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Challenges of using RNA vaccines in poultry

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) vaccines could provide a breakthrough in vaccine technology and offer a rapid response to pathogens in the poultry industry.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Turns out that “liquid gold” may not be gold

Colostrum has earned the unofficial moniker “liquid gold,” because of its typically golden color, along with the golden benefits it confers for calf health, growth, and lifetime performance.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Cost increases and investment: the Polish dairy sector

Although the Polish dairy sector’s financial performance remains under pressure, companies are showing willingness to invest in their operations, a report from the Polish Chamber of Milk indicated.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

New phytogens validated as safe for gut health of layers and pullets

Feeding saponins and polyphenols made from plant products, also known as phytogenics, to pullets and layer hens has no negative effect on performance or egg quality, revealed a validation study conducted at North Carolina State University (NCSU).
Nutrinfo, Poultry

3 days longer incubation makes a big difference

With SetCare, the new setter developed by HatchTech Incubation Technology, eggs are incubated for 24 days instead of the traditional 21 days.

Animal feed sales down in Germany

At 21.7 million tonnes, feed production in Germany in the 2023 calendar year was around 360,000 tonnes or 1.6% less than in the previous 12 months.

Global atlas of edible insects is available

East African scientists have produced a global atlas of edible insects, providing analysis of diversity and commonality that can contribute to food systems and sustainability as the planet faces uncertainties caused by population growth and a surge in demand for nutritious food.

Seed shortage threatens Russian grain farmers with bankruptcy

A surge in operation costs could drive many Russian grain farmers into bankruptcy in the current season, Arkady Zlochevsky, president of the Russian Grain Union has said during a press conference in Moscow.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Supporting coccidiosis-challenged broiler chickens through nutrition

When broiler chickens are busy fighting the parasitic infection coccidiosis, they can’t absorb nutrients efficiently or put energy toward growth.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Russia launches Meat Shuttle targeting Southeast Asia

The Russian government and logistics firm FESCO have launched a ‘Meat Shuttle’. This is a railway service for the delivery of perishable products in refrigerated containers from Russia to China and countries of Southeast Asia.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

How will Generation Z expectations transform the poultry meat market?

Chicken marketers need to start planning how to future-proof communications with the unique consumer expectations and needs of Generation Z.

Plasma treatment reduces mycotoxins in grains

Treating wheat and barley grains with atmospheric cold plasma has been found to reduce mycotoxin levels and boost seed germination.

What role will circularity play in the future of feed production?

Panelists at the 2024 Feed Mill of the Future Conference covered topics including technologies and techniques that can improve feed production’s efficiency and bottom line.

Study on the rapid decline in groundwater levels

Groundwater levels across the world have shown widespread and “accelerated” decline over the past 40 years, driven by unsustainable irrigation practices as well as climate change, according to a study published at the end of January.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

The situation of the global synthetic milk market

Food-tech start-ups are using precision fermentation technologies for another alternative to cow’s milk. This segment’s future remains vague as conservative consumers are not likely to quickly embrace synthetic products.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Meat production in Germany falls significantly again

As the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports, according to preliminary results, commercial slaughterhouses produced 6.8 million tons of meat in 2023.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Dairy development plans in Kazakhstan: ambitious or unrealistic?

Kazakhstan has rolled out plans to boost the dairy herd by 100,000 and milk production by 725,000 tonnes in the next 4 years.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Epidemiological model helps prevent the spread of Aujeszky’s disease in pigs

Infectious diseases are among the factors that most limit the efficiency of livestock production, since its appearance entails losses associated with increased mortality, a decrease in the feed transformation index, increased veterinary costs and the loss of value of infected carcasses. 
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Peroxide found most effective in hatching egg sanitation

Peroxide was found as the most effective egg wash sanitizer to both remove Salmonella from the shell’s surface and to keep the cuticle intact in a recent research study.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Better pig performance with seaweed polysaccharides

A team of Chinese researchers supported by a US-based researcher investigated whether weaner pigs are provided with polysaccharides from a Japanese seaweed known as “kombu” or Laminaria japonica.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Calls for EU lawmakers to ban cages for layers

Calls for the European Union to deliver on its promised ban on the use of cages for farmed animals have been made by animal welfare charity Compassion in World Farming in its latest EggTrack 2023 report.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Role of three key molecules identified in the immune system of pigs against PRRSV

The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is one of the most dangerous pathogens for the swine sector.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Cameras monitor bovine respiratory disease

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD), also known as shipping fever, is one of the most common and costly diseases that affect the North American beef cattle industry.

US agriculture is set for its biggest price slump in 18 years

A sharp drop in crop prices coupled with rising production costs is set to slash U.S. net farm income this year, though inflation may be masking the significance of these price and income declines, especially in relation to past years.

Ukraine denies it is considering a compromise on agriculture in EU talks

Terms for the integration of Ukraine’s agricultural sector into the European Union will be determined during negotiations, two ministers said in mid-February, denying that Kiev was considering easing the EU’s green deal.

European Commission breaks by the growing protests of farmers

As the farmers protests in the European Union intensify, the European Commission has cracked and made some concessions to try and ease the situation.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Can generative AI make poultry farms more efficient?

Poultry producers collect a lot of data. New technology that combines the internet of things (IoT), causal analysis and generative AI could put that data to work to help optimize decisions affecting bird health, production and overall profitability.
Nutrinfo, Pig

World pork market remains challenging

Rabobank’s Global Pork Quarterly Q1 2024 report said early indications are that pork production will slow as key regions face contraction in the sow herd.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Urgent state aid is needed for the Ukrainian dairy sector

The Ukrainian Parliament discussed the current situation of the dairy industry on 8 February. According to Arsen Didur, executive director of the Ukrainian Union of dairy industry enterprises, the main topic on the agenda was the complaint from the milk processors about a sharp deficit of raw milk.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Adding yeast to poultry feed could reduce Salmonella

An active live yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii could improve food safety, reduce Salmonella colonization and boost intestinal health and maturity when added to poultry diets.

Effects of meat consumption on human health

Meat has been and continues to be an important food source, delivering a wide range of valuable nutrients our bodies can easily absorb.
Nutrinfo, Pig

WOAH warns global pig industry of sub-standard ASF vaccines

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is warning veterinary authorities and the global pig industry against the use of non-compliant and poor-quality vaccines for African swine fever (ASF).

Iran to produce feedstuff from lignocellulosic waste

A group of Iranian scientists have developed a method for processing lignocellulosic waste into nitrogen-rich animal feed.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Synthetic cattle urine used in fight against malaria

Each year, more than 200 million people suffer from malaria around the world, and every two minutes a child dies from the disease.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Digital radiography solution could transform poultry breeding

A fast, safe method of analysing bone density in live hens could help poultry producers select the optimum birds with which to breed, to improve animal health and welfare.

Escalation of the Gaza conflict will have profound, biting and worldwide impact

Rabobank, assessing the impact of the conflict in Israel on food, energy, and fertilizer trends, says that if it is contained to the Israel and Gaza region it may not move the needle too much for energy, commodity or livestock prices.

First complete corn genome map created

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists, led by University of Nebraska–Lincoln researcher James Schnable, have successfully mapped the complete genome of corn.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Environmental and dam risks of Johne’s Disease

Johne’s Disease or paratuberculosis is a chronic disease of ruminants which is responsible for large economic losses in the dairy sector.

Remarkable progress in sourcing soy responsibly in Europe

Results published in the European Soy Monitor 2021, points to 40% of soybean meal equivalent of total European soy consumption to be sourced according to the FEFAC Soy Sourcing guidelines and 24% certified deforestation-free soy.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Positive outlook for the global poultry market as challenges ease

Global poultry market growth in 2023 is expected to be slow, reaching only 1%, according to a recent report from Rabobank. Global poultry markets are well positioned to gradually improve in Q4 2023 and early 2024, although the level will depend on how well-balanced they are.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

When might amino acid supplement be needed to boost milk yield?

When dairy cows are fed diets with reduced protein concentrations – aimed at decreased environmental nitrogen pollution from their manure such as nitrate leaching, nutrient-laden run-off and ammonia volatilization – their milk production can suffer.
Nutrinfo, Pig

World pork market shows steady production growth, weak consumption

Steady gains in production in combination with weaker consumption continue to pressure global pork markets and trade.

Russia refuses to lower export prices: producers complain

The Russian authorities unofficially prohibit farmers from selling grain to foreign customers at a price below the minimal threshold, though this strategy visibly hurts the industry.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Full article! – Positive outlook for the global poultry market as challenges ease

Global poultry market growth in 2023 is expected to be slow, reaching only 1%, according to a recent report from Rabobank. Global poultry markets are well positioned to gradually improve in Q4 2023 and early 2024, although the level will depend on how well-balanced they are.

After a period of slow poultry consumption growth due to a weak global economy and rising prices resulting from cost increases, global demand has room for some recovery, driven mainly by lower feed costs and, therefore, lower chicken prices. Markets will stay highly price-driven, but poultry should be able to benefit from its relatively competitive pricing in many markets compared to other proteins like beef, pork, and alternative proteins.

Rabobank sees improving market conditions in the US, Mexico, Japan, South Africa, Indonesia, and China. However, the situation in Indonesia and China will be fragile. The EU market has been strong, but high levels of fresh chicken imports are creating pressure. Brazil and Thailand face more challenging conditions and will need more supply growth discipline in oversupplied domestic markets.

Global trade is expected to stay strong in 2H 2023 after reaching a record-high 7.2 million tonnes in the first half of the year, driven entirely by increased trade of raw poultry meat, while trade in processed poultry meat dropped sharply. Amid more price-driven markets, consumers’ product preferences are changing, and this trend is expected to continue in 2H 2023 and into 2024.

Brazil is expected to benefit the most as a cost-price leader in raw chicken meat, while Thailand and China need to refocus on raw chicken trade, which will challenge these exporters’ value position.

Government interventions driven by food security, geopolitics, and sustainability will continue to impact markets and create volatility in global trade. Avian influenza will remain an important factor that could suddenly impact global markets, from both a local supply perspective and a trade perspective, especially if Brazil’s southern states are hit.

Producers should maintain focus on the operational side. Although we believe feed prices will drop slightly, operational costs are still at historic highs, and risks of further volatility exist in grain prices (due to El Niño) and in energy prices and availability. Ongoing leadership in terms of costs and procurement will remain key. Additionally, producers should fine-tune supply to changes in poultry demand related to products, distribution, and market development.

Cattle, Nutrinfo

Full article! – Fighting calf coccidiosis (not only) with coccidiostats

Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease caused by unicellular parasites that usually occurs in young dairy or beef calves between 3 weeks and 6 months of age. Although it is rarely fatal, it can cause extensive gut damage and ill-thrift and is commonly seen under intensive management conditions with high stocking rates.

Amino acids synthesised without living organisms

Researchers at the Technical University of Munich have synthesised the amino acid L-alanine using enzymes, according to a report in the journal Chem Catalysis.

Compound feed production falls across Europe, with more to come

EU production of compound feed for farmed animals in the 27 Member States is estimated at 148.9 million tonnes – a fall of 3.8% compared to 2021 figures, according to data published by the European Feed Manufacturers’ Association (FEFAC).
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Variable light intensity programmes impact broiler welfare

In a recent press release, USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announced the completion of a funded research project at the University of Arkansas in which researchers evaluated the effects of variable light intensity programs on broiler welfare.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

First BVDV-resistant calf produced by gene editing

Scientists have collaborated to produce the first gene-edited calf with resistance to bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV).
Cattle, Nutrinfo

New lifetime production record in the USA

A Holstein cow at the ripe old age of 14 has set a new lifetime production record in the USA.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Benefits of fermented rapeseed meal for growing pigs

Fermented rapeseed meal has a positive effect on improving the growth performance and intestinal health of growing pigs,
Nutrinfo, Pig

Analysts expect weaker global pork trade

Global pork markets are being affected by sluggish economic growth, weak consumption and recurrent disease outbreaks, and according to Rabobank’s latest Quarterly Pork Report, global trade is expected to weaken after a strong first half of the year.
Nutrinfo, Uncategorized

Magical pictures in the Agrofeed photo competition

Agrofeed Kft. announced a nature photography contest for its partners and employees. As part of the competition, we were looking for pictures taken in a natural environment that show the diversity of the living world – they capture plants, animals, landscapes, or tourist attractions in the environment.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Fertiliser supply critical to food security

An influential select committee report has called on the government to take steps to support increased nitrogen fertiliser production in the UK.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Multi-drug resistant bacteria found in 40% of supermarket meat samples in Spain

Multidrug-resistant E. coli was found in 40% of supermarket meat samples tested in a Spanish study.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Hundreds of US cattle die in world’s hottest month

Hundreds of cattle in Iowa died from extreme heat and humidity in late July, Reuters reported, citing the state and livestock producers, as the world recorded its hottest month on record.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Egg exports from Brazil close to peak

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has overshadowed reports from Brazil in recent months, but there is still plenty of good news from the country’s poultry sector.
Nutrinfo, Pig

Key pig gene for ASF infection discovered

A team of European scientists has found a key pig gene for the replication of African Swine Fever (ASF) virus. Researchers from the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI) in Germany and the Roslin Institute of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, recently conducted this piece of research, which aimed to find out which pig genes are needed for the ASF virus (ASFv) to replicate.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Technology for earlier diagnosis of serious cattle disease

Monitoring dairy calves with precision Internet of Things (IoT)-based technologies leads to earlier diagnosis of calf-killing bovine respiratory disease (BRD), according to research from three US universities.
Nutrinfo, Poultry

Ceva drops appeal over French bird flu vaccine tender

French animal health group Ceva has withdrawn a legal challenge to a tender to supply avian flu vaccine to France, in which it lost out to Germany’s Boehringer Ingelheim. France chose Boehringer Ingelheim to supply 80 million doses of bird flu vaccine needed for its first vaccination campaign in ducks, due to start in October. The plan will make France the first country in the European Union to vaccinate poultry against the virus that has ravaged flocks worldwide. Ceva has decided to drop its appeal against the outcome of the tender in order to avoid any delay in the vaccination campaign for the livestock sector, the company said in a statement late last week. The company is continuing discussions with the authorities on subsequent phases of the vaccination campaign and has already produced more than 10 million shots of its avian influenza vaccine for ducks, Ceva added.

Nutrinfo, Pig

Maternal imprinting: Immune development

More than 70% of the body’s immune cells are located into the gut, which means there is a close connection between intestinal microbiota and the immune system.
Cattle, Nutrinfo

Scottish engineers lend support to calf diagnosis project

Researchers from the University of Glasgow’s James Watt School of Engineering are part of a new consortium which is developing the first commercial one-step rapid test for calf pneumonia.
Nutrinfo, Pig

2023: a year of caution in pork industry

Softer consumption trends in early 2023 are prompting caution in the global pork industry as it struggles to adjust to a moving target, according to Rabobank’s latest quarterly pork report. Weaker economic growth is starting to have an impact on global pork consumption.