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World pork market remains challenging

Rabobank’s Global Pork Quarterly Q1 2024 report said early indications are that pork production will slow as key regions face contraction in the sow herd. According to Chenjun Pan, senior analyst of Animal Protein at Rabobank, forecasts point to a potential decrease in global pork trade during the first part of 2024 as high inventories in importing countries reduce demand. “We’re looking at a soft market for pork exports, especially with the ongoing crisis in the Red Sea and Suez Canal complicating European shipments to Asia,” Pan said. A trend in the report was the expected decline or flat production in China, the United States, and some European countries during 2024, with disease pressure adding to overall industry challenges.

Although production headwinds could be ahead, feed prices continue to come down, with corn and soybean prices falling 15% to 25% year over year. “Lower feed costs are a welcome relief for pig farmers, improving margins in a time of uncertainty, Pan said. However, Rabobank still cautions that weather-related volatility could impact supply and price movements.

Brazil’s pork production continues to be on the rise as some regions continue to look at declining herds. The group pointed to uneven growth worldwide with African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks and loss-making pressure, especially with breed herd reduction in Asia, particularly China. “We expect disease outbreaks to create ongoing uncertainty in 2024,” Pan said. “Meanwhile, productivity will continue to improve in 2024, driven by genetic gains, better farm management and cost reduction strategies.”

Even with all the market difficulties, pork consumption remains resilient to inflationary conditions around the world. Rabobank expects a mild improvement in global pork consumption during the year. “Pork continues to be a staple protein, holding its ground against more expensive meat like beef,” Pan said.

WOAH warns global pig industry of sub-standard ASF vaccines

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is warning veterinary authorities and the global pig industry against the use of non-compliant and poor-quality vaccines for African swine fever (ASF). In a statement issued October 18, WOAH stressed the importance of the use of only high-quality ASF vaccines with proven efficacy and safety, and which have been subject to regulatory evaluation and approval in accordance with WOAH international standards.

“The research community has been working to develop an effective vaccine and recent announcements of modified live vaccines being approved or tested in some countries have raised hopes for the availability of new effective tools to contain the ASF epidemic,” WOAH said. The use of non-compliant and poor-quality vaccines may not confer any protection against ASF and risks spreading vaccine viruses that could result in acute or chronic disease, WOAH said. Additionally, these vaccine viruses could also recombine with field strains to generate novel strains. The world’s first ASF vaccines were authorized by Vietnam in July, when two vaccines were cleared for domestic use in pigs in the country.

Approval came after widespread testing in the country’s swine herds. The government reported the vaccines to be 95% effective. The vaccines – NAVET-ASFVAC (from Navetco National Veterinary Joint Stock Co.), and the AVAC ASF LIVE vaccine (from AVAC) — were jointly developed by U.S. scientists with two different commercial partners in Vietnam. In some other Asian countries, registration of the AVAC vaccine is underway. A third vaccine, DACOVAC-ASF2 vaccine from the Dabaco Group, is reportedly under evaluation in Vietnam. In the Philippines, applications are under consideration for the importation of four ASF vaccines. A Phase 1 trial was completed in May, and three farms in different provinces have been selected as the locations of Phase 2 field trials, the source reports. Authorities are awaiting complete documentation from a second vaccine company. In order to bring to an end the country’s four-year battle to eliminate ASF, the government has allocated PHP1.5 billion ($26.4 million) for the vaccination of the nation’s hogs.

World pork market shows steady production growth, weak consumption

Steady gains in production in combination with weaker consumption continue to pressure global pork markets and trade. That is a brief summary of the latest quarterly pork report by Rabobank. All in all, the bank stated, lower feed costs, better animal health and improved productivity bolster industry optimism despite challenging returns and uncertain consumption trends. After productivity challenges in 2022 and 2023, several key growing regions appear to be turning a corner, the bank wrote. While disease pressure is still an issue in some regions, overall herd health has improved. In a news release, the bank’s senior animal protein analyst Christine McCracken said: “A renewed focus on cost reduction – given inflationary pressures resulting in the elimination of less productive operations – is also contributing to a rebound in production per sow. Although this improvement is a welcome trend and lowers costs, the additional production is compounding regional oversupplies and weighing on the market.” At the same time, breeding herd reductions in most geographies outside Europe and South Korea are slow, despite ongoing margin pressure and limited optimism for a quick turnaround in global trade, the bank said. Corn and soybean prices moved lower in the third quarter of 2023, after a good North American harvest helped rebuild stocks and expectations for a large South American crop emerged, the bank wrote. Consumers are adjusting to inflationary pressures, yet pork remains a dietary staple and overall consumption trends remain stable. However, pack types and sales channels continue to shift. McCracken concluded, “In the final quarter of 2023, we expect global trade to remain slow given large inventories, relatively high domestic production, and low pork prices in key importing regions. Rising EU pork prices may also limit export volumes.” In Europe, pork production in the 27 EU countries and the UK contracted sharply, Rabobank reported. In the first 7 months of 2023, this would come down to 8.6% year-on-year. In Germany, the sow herd had contracted by 2% in June 2023 when compared to December 2022. One year earlier, the contraction had been 12% in the same period. Contraction in the sow herd will slow down, the bank expects, due to improved producer margins. Exports remain weak on relatively high prices and weaker global economies.

Benefits of fermented rapeseed meal for growing pigs

Fermented rapeseed meal has a positive effect on improving the growth performance and intestinal health of growing pigs, according to Chinese research. Researchers from the Institute of Animal Husbandry at Sichuan Agricultural University claim that the results of a recent study could also help develop new protein sources for animal nutrition and the feed industry. The study, the results of which have been published in the Journal of Animal Nutrition, involved 30 growing pigs randomly assigned to three treatments: corn-soybean meal diet (CSD), rapeseed meal diet (RSD) and fermented rapeseed meal diet (FRSD). The results showed that compared with RSD, feeding FRSD increased the average daily gain and final body weight of pigs (P<0.01). Compared with RSD feeding, FRSD feeding increased the apparent digestibility of crude protein, acid detergent fibre and ether extract in pigs (P<0.01). The FRSD group had higher apparent ileal digestibility of His, Thr, Lys and SER than the RSD group (P<0.01). Digestible energy, metabolic energy and nitrogen utilisation were higher in the FRSD and CSD groups than in the RSD group (P<0.01). Compared with the RSD, the FRSD diet decreased the serum concentration of leptin but significantly increased the concentration of immunoglobulin (IG) A, IgC, IgM and the enzyme activities of amylase, lipase and trypsin in the pancreas (p<0.05). In terms of intestinal health, the FRSD diet not only increased the expression of occludin in the small intestinal epithelium (P<0.05) but also increased the expression of SGLT1 and CAT1 genes in the jejunum (P<0.05) compared to the RSD diet.

Analysts expect weaker global pork trade

Global pork markets are being affected by sluggish economic growth, weak consumption and recurrent disease outbreaks, and according to Rabobank’s latest Quarterly Pork Report, global trade is expected to weaken after a strong first half of the year. While sluggish economic growth has impacted consumers around the world, pork continues to hold a relatively stable position on consumers’ plates, notes the Rabobank report. The reasons for the weaker performance vary from region to region. In Europe, pork consumption remains under pressure from persistently high prices. In the US, demand was slightly below expectations at the start of the summer as uncooperative weather and poor air quality hampered the start of the barbecue season. And in China, pork consumption remains weak due to a weak economy and heat waves across the country. Chenjun Pan, senior Animal Protein analyst at Rabobank, expects global trade to weaken in the second half of 2023. “Inventories of frozen pork in China are high due to weak consumption, putting pressure on imports. In addition, tighter supply in the EU is limiting shipments from the region,” said Pan. The Rabobank report highlights that pork supply in the EU and UK fell in the first four months of 2023, with double-digit declines in some countries. This tight supply is supporting high prices, which in turn is putting pressure on consumption. Meanwhile, in China, pork supply continues to outstrip demand, putting pressure on prices and leading to multi-month losses for producers. Rabobank adds that the liquidation of the country’s sow herd will continue in the second half of the year. Supply is also plentiful in the US, where producers have relatively healthy balance sheets after two years of outsized profits. However, given the forecast losses, Rabobank expects the US herd liquidation to continue until 2024.

Fertiliser supply critical to food security

An influential select committee report has called on the government to take steps to support increased nitrogen fertiliser production in the UK. The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee has called on the Government to examine the incentives offered by competing nations and to produce an action plan within the next six months. The committee said nitrogen fertiliser plays a vital role in UK food security and the production of the ammonia used in it creates large amounts of carbon dioxide gas as a by-product, which is vital to the food supply chain. However, there is only one nitrogen fertiliser plant in the UK, which undermines UK food security and the lack of alternatives has led to a significant increase in UK prices at a time when the sector is already under significant price pressure. Given the importance of nitrogen fertiliser to UK food production and food security, the Government should set out how it will ensure its continued production in the UK. Given that Europe and the United States are intervening directly in their own fertiliser sectors, it seems completely remiss for the UK to do nothing. Responding to the publication of the report, Ed Barker, head of policy and external affairs at the Agricultural Industry Confederation (AIC), said: “We welcome the key findings of the EFRA Select Committee report. The AIC will continue to work with the committee and MPs as part of its efforts to represent the interests of the UK’s agricultural supply industry.”

Key pig gene for ASF infection discovered

A team of European scientists has found a key pig gene for the replication of African Swine Fever (ASF) virus. Researchers from the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI) in Germany and the Roslin Institute of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, recently conducted this piece of research, which aimed to find out which pig genes are needed for the ASF virus (ASFv) to replicate. The study describing their findings was published in August 2023 in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Scientific Reports and shows that there is a gene from the pig’s immune system that is key to this process. This provides important new insights into the biology of the ASFv that could form the basis for future research approaches. ASFv has a large DNA genome from which more than 160 viral proteins are produced in infected cells. Little is known about the functions of many of these viral proteins. It is also unclear which cellular proteins are used by the ASF virus to enter the host cell. To identify host proteins important for ASFv, scientists at the Roslin Institute provided a CRISPR/Cas9 expression library as a molecular tool that allowed their colleagues Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute to knock out all known genes in the pig genome individually in vitro and test the resulting cell cultures for susceptibility to ASF virus infection. That led to the identification of several genes of the major histocompatibility complex II (MHC II) as relevant factors for the reproductive capacity of ASFv, the news release explained. In particular, the MHC II receptor protein SLA-DM was shown to be required for efficient ASFv infection. Therefore, the research team concluded, SLA-DM may be a suitable target protein for the development of effective therapeutics against ASF or ASFv resistant pig breeds.

Maternal imprinting: Immune development

More than 70% of the body’s immune cells are located into the gut, which means there is a close connection between intestinal microbiota and the immune system. The sow’s microbiota influences the piglet’s immune system development and, consequently, their growth and survival. At birth and during early life, the piglets are highly dependent on the maternal passively derived immunity for the survival. The transfer of immunity initially occurs through colostrum. Antibodies are big proteins, and only get into the piglet’s blood stream in the first hours of life before the gut closure. Immunoglobulins from the mother, including immunoglobulin G (IgG) can be absorbed through the colostrum. The probiotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM-I-1079 included into the sows’ diet, has shown positive results on the IgG colostrum concentration. Recent studies have shown that animals raised on artificial milk formula rather than maternal milk have a higher susceptibility to disease, also linked to a reduced intestinal microbiota diversity. Cytokines and chemokines are making connections between the different organs to coordinate the immune response. They are biomarker peptides critical for humoral and cell mediated immunity. Cytokine gene expression in the lungs of piglets was influenced by the treatment of sows. The lower expression of cytokines in the lungs of the piglets born and nursed from supplemented sows suggests a reduced inflammatory reaction compared to the piglets from non-supplemented sows. The immune transfer through colostrum, modulation inflammatory response, etc. translated to better performance of the piglets after weaning, reflecting maternal imprinting. Probiotics, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM-I-1079, are positively affecting the gut microbiota from the sow to her piglets and driving their immune system to a more mature one and are interesting tools to support piglet quality and reduce antibiotic use.

2023: a year of caution in pork industry

Softer consumption trends in early 2023 are prompting caution in the global pork industry as it struggles to adjust to a moving target, according to Rabobank’s latest quarterly pork report. Weaker economic growth is starting to have an impact on global pork consumption. Although the worst of the inflationary effects appear to be in the past, the lagged impact on consumption is likely to be felt throughout 2023. In a slowing economy, pork remains well-positioned, as demand for the protein is historically less income-sensitive than more expensive proteins like beef and premium seafood. “Nevertheless, we see persistently high retail prices limiting consumption of all proteins. Consumers continue to conserve capital by shifting everyday purchases to lower-value protein options, switching channels, and moving to smaller pack sizes,” says Christine McCracken, senior analyst – animal protein at Rabobank. Moreover, industry optimism in 2022 after a notable upward shift in pork consumption (and prices) in some markets and expectations of a 2023 recovery of pandemic-restricted consumption in others contributed to planned supply growth in 2023. That growth will take time to curb. “Slowing supply in Europe will help balance the industry, yet high costs of production and limited consumer support will require a more conservative approach to production to stabilize margins,” McCracken said. Although a modest improvement in production costs is expected in 2023, local conditions will vary, and risk management will remain critical to success. Global feed stocks are at historically low levels, and availability remains tight. A disappointing Argentine harvest will partially offset Brazil’s record 2023 soybean and safrinha corn crops, leaving the market to focus on import needs, Black Sea grain availability, and the successful planting of a new crop in the Northern Hemisphere. “Rabobank expects the small global cushion in grain and oilseed stocks to drive additional feed cost volatility in 2023,” McCracken said.

Recent ASF cases in Asia help Brazilian exports

Brazilian pork export increased with 15.7% in the first quarter of 2023 in comparison to the same period last year. The country exported 274,800 tonnes this season against 237,500 tonnes between January and March of 2022. In the same period, revenue from export totaled US$ 646.3 million. This is 29.6% more than the total of the first 3 months of 2022, which totaled US$ 498.5 million.

“Rising production costs in the world, as well as the impact of health issues in several producing countries have supported the trend of increasing demand”, analyses president of the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) Ricardo Santin. The resurgence of African Swine Fever (ASF) in China and the Philippines should also keep Brazilian exports at levels above 100,000 tonnes a month in the coming months. China, the main destination of pork shipments, imported 109,600 tonnes between January and March. This was 25.6% more than in 2022, which totaled 87.200 tonnes. In the same period, sales to Chile also stood out with 21,300 tonnes (+96.8%), the Philippines, with 17,800 tonnes (+8), Singapore, with 15,900 tonnes (+25 .8%), and Japan, with 7200 tonnes (+36.9%).