FEFAC: Among the current crises, let’s not forget climate change!

Last year has brought more unexpected turmoil in the feed industry. But even with the effects of COVID-19 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the importance of combating climate change has not diminished. If anything, these crises have only highlighted the need for more sustainable feed production practices, said Asbjørn Børsting, president of the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC).
The events of the past year have highlighted the need for the EU feed industry to continue and expand its environmental efforts, according to a progress report published by FEFAC on its progress this year towards the associations’ 2030 sustainability goals. Shortages and rising prices highlight the need to integrate resilience into sustainability goals. While sustainability goals could potentially fall by the wayside in the face of crisis, it’s important to note that climate change has contributed to some of the difficulties the feed industry faces, said Børsting.
The progress report highlights the publication of a handbook on circular feed in June 2022 as an area where current conditions could accelerate progress towards sustainability. The use of circular feeds not only contributes to sustainability goals by reducing waste and carbon emissions, but also increases the EU’s feed autonomy by creating a more resilient, localized supply chain, Børsting said. Hopefully, he said, legislative measures will improve the industry’s ability to implement circular feed concepts.